Dr hab. inż. Iwona Pełech, prof. ZUT – project manager

Iwona Pełech is a graduate of the Szczecin University of Technology. She completed her studies in Chemical Technology in 1994. In 2007, she defended her doctoral dissertation, obtaining a Ph.D. in technical sciences in the field of chemical technology. In the years 2012-2013, she completed a one-year internship at the Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP). In 2016, she obtained the degree of habilitated doctor of technical sciences in the discipline of chemical technology. The scientific achievements of Iwona Pełech include, among others, the synthesis and testing of catalyst activity; synthesis, purification, and functionalization of carbon materials; the use of carbon materials as fillers for polymers and as adsorbents of organic compounds from liquid and gas phases; synthesis and modification of photocatalysts and testing their activity in air purification processes.
Iwona Pełech led research projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) and the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR). From 2014-2021, she served as the Dean’s Representative for International Cooperation. She is a member of the Polish Materials Society and a representative member of the Technical Committee of the Polish Committee for Standardization TC for Nanotechnology. She co-organized national and international conferences.