Prof. dr hab. inż. Antoni W. Morawski

Antoni W. Morawski has been associated with the Szczecin University of Technology since 1975, where he has obtained various academic degrees, from Master of Engineering through Doctor of Engineering (1984) and Habilitated Doctor (1990). He received the scientific title of professor in the field of technical sciences in 1996. His scientific research and teaching priorities have become technology and chemical engineering, especially technologies: inorganic, materials and nanomaterials, water, sewage and waste, as well as catalysis and photocatalysis. The professor is the author and co-author of over 1,100 various scientific works, articles, and conference abstracts, including 352 publications listed in the Scopus database, and additionally over 240 patents and patent applications (including 3 international ones). He was a fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. In 2015, he received the Tokyo University of Science, President Award. Since 2021, Professor Morawski has been included in the list of the top 2% most influential researchers in the world (according to the ranking by Stanford University, Elsevier, and SciTech Strategies). In 2022, in the ranking of the 1000 best scientists in the world with a Hirsch index above 40 (, he ranked 9th among Polish chemists. Professor Morawski was the leader of many grants and participated in the implementation of over 100 studies for industry, economy, and administration. From 2005-2019, he served as the Director of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Environmental Engineering at the WPUT in Szczecin. Since 1999, he has been a member of the West Pomeranian Science Leaders Club.